Learn to play -
Play to learn.
It is an acknowledged fact, that young children best learn and develop everyday skills through play. At Burton Day Nursery, we have created a philosophy of care and play, which although necessarily structured, will afford your children an environment within which they should feel safe, happy and loved.

Sessions & fees
Looking to register your child?
Find out more about our sessions and enquire today.
Our beliefs & values
To have fun whilst learning.
To provide a warm, caring and nurturing environment
To respect freedom and allow choice.
To treat each other with respect and consideration.
To acknowledge and act on different beliefs, cultures and disabilities.
To examine what we do and keep trying to improve it.

Home Cooking
Our chefs provide a nutritionally prepared lunch for those children attending on a full day and morning basis. Freshly prepared high tea is provided for afternoon attendants. Mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks are also provided, ensuring the children have more than 5 pieces of fresh fruit and vegetables every day.